I'm completely blown away!!!
By David van Leeuwen, Painmaster Support, Warabrook, NSW, Australia.
"I received my pelvic clock about 20 minutes ago and immediately tried it out.
What can I say....I'm completely blown away!!!
My back / pelvic pain comes and goes with therapy, exercise etc and at the moment it's not great, my pain's at about a 6.5 so annoying and slowing me down.
I was about to book a remedial massage but after 10 minutes using your Pelvic Clock I'm so 'freed up' I'm going to put it off.
Even though I stretch twice daily, exercise daily and paddle twice a week competitively, to date nothing has helped create this freedom of movement so quickly, and I think that combined with a good core strength building routine the Pelvic Clock will really help me for the long term.
I've been in the pain management business with micro-Current therapy (www.painmaster.com.au) for 5 years and whilst that's excellent for reducing inflammation/pain without medications, it can't help with mobility.
I'll be recommending this to my database immediately.
Thanks for investing your time and energy into this.
Wishing you a Pain Free Day"