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Pelvic Clock® exercise device, invented by a former Olympic coach, is a stretching aid for chronic lower back pain relief. Recommended for lumbar spinal stenosis, hip pain, and sciatica caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction.


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SI Joint Pain: Home Exercise Program for Sacroiliac Dysfunction

Yana Blinova

By Yana Blinova, MS, Inventor of Pelvic Clock® Exercise Device, Former Olympic Coach

If you’ve suffered from back and hip pain, you might have been told that your sacroiliac joint was responsible.  So, if you’ve found yourself searching online for SIJ pain relieving exercises or SI joint stretches, then the chances are that you found the common recommendations such as the Child’s Pose or a general stretching of the hamstrings or low back. While these selections are a good start, obtaining the right alignment and creating proper SI joint stabilization require a deeper approach, and the addition of some newer, more updated exercises

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