Activate deep core muscles, reduce spinal flexion, improve cycling posture, increase hip and thoracic mobility, and relieve lower back discomfort with the Pelvic Clock® exercise program for cyclists
Cycling and Lower Back Pain
Studies show that nearly 50% of overuse injuries in professional cyclists affect the lower back, often due to poor posture.
To prevent excessive spinal flexion in a forward-leaning aero position, the cyclist's pelvis must tilt forward. The angle of pelvic tilt is different for each person, so it’s important to find your own “neutral spine” and “neutral pelvis.”
Body awareness and core control help top cyclists maintain a neutral spine throughout long rides.
Incorporating corrective exercises into the training routine helps cyclists improve posture and relieve or prevent lower back pain.
Why use the Pelvic Clock®?
The Pelvic Clock® is a portable exercise device designed to make corrective exercises more effective.
It can help cyclists with the following:
Hip Mobility
To compensate for limited hip mobility, a cyclist’s spine bends more, and the strain on the back muscles increases.
Pelvic Clock® gently releases tight hip flexors, allows the pelvis to tilt in multiple directions, and stretches the lower back and hips.
Thoracic Mobility
Long rides in an aero position strain both the lumbar and thoracic spine, limiting trunk rotation and the ability to turn the head.
The Pelvic Clock® restores thoracic mobility in minutes. Place the flat surface of the device between your shoulder blades with the round side of the device on the ground. And relax.
Core Stability
Core stability plays a key role in cycling mechanics. A strong core supports a neutral spine position and proper leg alignment.
The Pelvic Clock® Core Stability workout activates and strengthens deep core muscles - transversus abdominis, internal and external obliques and lumbar multifidus.
Muscle Isolation
Pelvic Clock® workout helps to teach the body how to isolate one muscle group from another. For example, how to move legs without flexing the spine or how to rock hips without moving the rest of the body.
Muscle Imbalances
Muscle imbalances such as scoliosis, a tilted or twisted pelvis, misaligned hips, or uneven leg length worsen after a long bike ride, and eventually cause lower back pain.
The Pelvic Clock® workout restores muscle balance by stretching the tight side of the pelvis and strengthening the weaker side of the core.
Body Awareness
Improved body awareness, also known as proprioception, helps cyclists maintain a neutral spine while riding, reducing the risk of lower back pain.
Pelvic Clock® exercises train the nervous system to recognize poor hip alignment, make self-corrections, and develop better core control.
Download a free PDF set of Pelvic Clock® exercises and stretches preselected for Cyclists. Increase hip mobility and core stability for pain-free riding.
Learn more about chronic lower back conditions by visiting specific pages below or check our blog:
Consult your physician or healthcare provider before performing any exercise program using this product for appropriate exercise advice and safety precautions. This product and its instructions are not intended to replace the advice and guidance of your physician or healthcare provider.
Exercises using this product should be performed in a slow and controlled manner. If you have trouble breathing or otherwise feel sick while using this product, stop and contact your physician or healthcare provider.
Be sure to read and follow the instructions as provided. Use only as intended and at your own risk. The manufacturer, Flect LLC, and its distributors assume no liability or responsibility for accidents or injury to persons or property that might result from the use of this product.
Do not use in areas of skin irritation. Stop using product if bruising occurs.
This product is not a toy. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
You may clean this product with mild soap and water. Dry with a cloth and store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.