How to Fix Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Posterior pelvic tilt leads to an increased thoracic kyphosis, flat back posture, undeveloped glutes, and back pain. It is important to correct a posterior pelvic tilt before beginning any strenuous activity, such as weight-lifting, running, or golf.
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Posterior pelvic tilt refers to a posture where the pelvis is tilted backwards due to muscle imbalance between tight, short muscles at the front of the body and weak muscles at the back.
To counterbalance a posteriorly tilted pelvis, the head moves forward and the shape of the spine changes:
Flat Back Posture
The lumbar spine loses its natural inward curvature (the lumbar lordosis).
The lower back becomes flat or rounded.
The thoracic spine curves too much, increasing the thoracic kyphosis.
The change in a shape of the spine leads to deterioration of posture in the following ways:
Thoracic Kyphosis & Posterior Pelvic Tilt
The head moves forward
Shoulders are rounded
The back becomes hunched or flat
The symptoms of a posterior pelvic tilt include:
Weak hip extensors (glutes)
Weak spinal extensors
Tight spinal flexor (rectus abdominis muscle)
Why Correct a Posterior Pelvic Tilt?
Lumbar Multifidus
A posteriorly tilted pelvis inhibits the normal function of undeveloped glutes, meaning the glutes are never able to become strong. Without strong glutes, you have no balance — and without good balance, you are unsafe.
It is important to correct a posterior pelvic tilt before beginning any strenuous activity, such as weight-lifting, running, or golf. Never wait for pain to strike to start engaging in corrective exercise. Prevention means finding a “neutral pelvis” position and maintaining the muscle structure to support it.
The Pelvic Clock® workout helps correct a posterior pelvic tilt and ensures the pelvis maintains a healthy, neutral position by:
Rectus Abdominis
Strengthening weak multifidus muscle
Stretching the tight rectus abdominis muscle
Correcting insufficient curvature of the lumbar spine (lordosis)
Reducing excessive curvature of the thoracic spine (kyphosis)
Exercises “6- HOLD”
Focus on position 6 to strengthen the multifidus muscle and stretch the rectus abdominis muscle.
6 - INHALE and tilt your pelvis forward toward the 6 o’clock marker. HOLD this position for five seconds.
12 - EXHALE and tilt your pelvis back in the direction of your head.
Repeat 10 times.
Consult your physician or healthcare provider before performing any exercise program using this product for appropriate exercise advice and safety precautions. This product and its instructions are not intended to replace the advice and guidance of your physician or healthcare provider.
Exercises using this product should be performed in a slow and controlled manner. If you have trouble breathing or otherwise feel sick while using this product, stop and contact your physician or healthcare provider.
Be sure to read and follow the instructions as provided. Use only as intended and at your own risk. The manufacturer, Flect LLC, and its distributors assume no liability or responsibility for accidents or injury to persons or property that might result from the use of this product.
Do not use in areas of skin irritation. Stop using product if bruising occurs.
This product is not a toy. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
You may clean this product with mild soap and water. Dry with a cloth and store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.