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Pelvic Clock® exercise device, invented by a former Olympic coach, is a stretching aid for chronic lower back pain relief. Recommended for lumbar spinal stenosis, hip pain, and sciatica caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

Exercises for Sacroiliac Dysfunction

“Unlock” your SI joint, relieve pain caused by Sacroiliac Dysfunction,
strengthen internal oblique muscles, and improve body alignment with targeted exercises.



SI Joint aka Sacroiliac joints are pair of symmetrical joints that connect the sacrum and hip bones.

SI Joints aka Sacroiliac Joints

About 15-30% of lower back pain is attributed to SI joint instability, aka Sacroiliac Dysfunction.

The sacroiliac joints are located at the 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock markers on either side of the sacrum. 

It's a pair of symmetrical bony bumps that connect the sacrum and hip bones.

Some SI joints move too much (hypermobility), others move too little (hypomobility).

An unstable SI joint is easily pushed out of place when the pelvis, hips or lumbar spine are out of alignment.

Most people have at least one of the following misalignments:


A dull pain on one side of the sacrum is a first sign that an SI Joint is out of alignment. 

If you ignore this signal, the inflammation will quickly spread. The pain can radiate into the buttocks, groin, posterior thigh, and lower leg. This means SCIATICA.

Sacroiliac Dysfunction is a chronic condition. There is no magic cure.

You can keep taking pills or run to a chiropractor every time your SI joint is acting up, or you can deal with it right away.

Learn how to self-adjust and stabilize your SI joint with specific exercises.

The Pelvic Clock® workout helps to reset and stabilize your SI joint in three steps:

  1. Identify the tight side of your pelvis and the weak side of your core. 

  2. Stretch tight Hip Flexor and Quadratus Lumborum muscles.

  3. Strengthen weak Transversus Abdominis, Internal obliques, and Gluteus Medius muscles.



  • Consult your physician or healthcare provider before performing any exercise program using this product for appropriate exercise advice and safety precautions. This product and its instructions are not intended to replace the advice and guidance of your physician or healthcare provider.

  • Exercises using this product should be performed in a slow and controlled manner. If you have trouble breathing or otherwise feel sick while using this product, stop and contact your physician or healthcare provider.

  • Be sure to read and follow the instructions as provided. Use only as intended and at your own risk. The manufacturer, Flect LLC, and its distributors assume no liability or responsibility for accidents or injury to persons or property that might result from the use of this product.

  • Do not use in areas of skin irritation. Stop using product if bruising occurs.

  • This product is not a toy. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

  • You may clean this product with mild soap and water. Dry with a cloth and store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.