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Pelvic Clock® exercise device, invented by a former Olympic coach, is a stretching aid for chronic lower back pain relief. Recommended for lumbar spinal stenosis, hip pain, and sciatica caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction.


Portable exercise device that will help you relieve chronic lower back and hip pain, decompress and stabilize lumbar spine, improve posture, body alignment, and core strength.

Pelvic Clock Exercise Device for lower back and hip pain relief.

It's time to take control of your back pain!

Chronic pain in the hips and lower back is often caused by a biomechanical imbalance. In our day-to-day lives, at least half of our core muscles remain unused, while the other half are stiff from overexertion due to poor posture, prolonged sitting, or repetitive asymmetrical movements with improper alignment of the hip joints, pelvis, and spine.

We’ll teach you how to restore muscle balance with the help of the Pelvic Clock®, a portable exercise device created by a former Olympic coach.

Lightweight and durable, the Pelvic Clock® exercise device is manufactured in the USA.

The Pelvic Clock® helps you do the following: 

STRETCH to increase flexibility of the lumbar spine and improve hip mobility. 

STRENGTHEN dormant core muscles to increase core stability. Stabilize sacroiliac (SI) joints and the lumbar spine.

REALIGN uneven hips, a rotated or tilted pelvis, or a curved lumbar spine.

RELEASE tight hip flexors and a tight piriformis muscle.

RELIEVE chronic hip and lower back pain.


You can also benefit from the Pelvic Clock® Exercise Device if you practice any sport that leads to muscle imbalance, including:


Most people favor one side of their body over the other. This means that around half of the muscles in the body are overused while the other half are inactive. 

Body asymmetry worsens with age, leading to deterioration of posture, loss of a neutral spine position, and an abnormal tilt of the pelvis, which can be forward (anterior pelvic tilt), backward (posterior pelvic tilt), sideways (lateral pelvic tilt), or rotated (rotated or twisted pelvis).

How to Stop Chronic Hip and Lower Back Pain

No treatment can guarantee permanent results. Whether you have had spinal surgery, or receive cortisone shots, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, or physical therapy, you must follow the treatment with appropriate regular home exercises. This will prolong the effectiveness of the treatment and minimize the risk of a relapse. There is no other way. Nobody is going to rebuild your muscles for you.

Pelvic Clock® workouts are designed to help you “reset” your hips, pelvis, and spine, bringing them back to a healthy, neutral position. Every human body is different. Your workout must include stretches, core stability, and body alignment exercises, but the exact type and number of exercises will depend on your medical condition and fitness level.

All Pelvic Clock® exercises are easy to learn, but it takes time, practice, and precision to master them and receive the full benefits.

How Can Exercise Realign Your Pelvis?

Piriformis , Iliopsoas ( hip flexor), internal Oblique, Pelvic Floor muscles.

The pelvis is a pliable group of three large bones. The sacrum and two hip bones are held together by two sacroiliac joints, four ligaments, and 35 core muscles. Every muscle has an antagonist. When one core muscle contracts, the antagonist muscle stretches.

Each Pelvic Clock® exercise targets a specific muscle group, simultaneously stretching and strengthening two opposing muscle groups.

Is Your Pain Chronic or Acute?

There are different levels of hip or back pain. This 1 to 10 pain scale will help you determine if exercises with the Pelvic Clock® device are appropriate for your current condition. If your symptoms include SCIATICA or you would describe the pain as sharp, acute, or unbearable, you should start pain management treatment as recommended by your physician. Once you are discharged, you can use the Pelvic Clock® exercise device.

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